Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are the differences between 1G and 512 MB memory cards?

They both are secure flash memory cards for digital camera. Which ones are better and why?

What are the differences between 1G and 512 MB memory cards?
I'd go for the one that has 1G,because it's gonna give you the chance to take more pics,i had to take the same decision like 8 months ago,because i needed a camera because my brother was getting married,and let me tell you i still regret the decision i should've bought one with 2G because i missed the chance to take a lot of really nice pics
Reply:Hi ShinningStar, the word of "1G" and "512MB " are the label of the size (the capacity of holding the amount of files or pictures). They are not the label of the type of memory.

Even if they are all secure flash memory, the speed to write and to read on the cards depends on the manufacture and the version of the cards. Some manufactures makes cards faster then the other manufactures, and generally the latest version of the cards are usually faster the the previous ones.
Reply:G = Giga = 1,000,000,000

M = Mega = 1,000,000

So a 1G memory card holds a little less than twice the amount a 512Mb card.
Reply:The one G holds more pics but is more expensive.
Reply:512MB, they drop the 24MB, when you have 1G, 24m won't matter.
Reply:One is exactly twice as large as the other.
Reply:Of cause is 1GB. Because you will run out of space if took more photos!
Reply:1GB holds twice as much as the 512MB. It comes down to how many pics you want to store and what you are prepared to pay. I would suggest the 1G if you take a lot of pics.
Reply:1 G (Gigabyte) is twice as much storage (1024 MB), but normally not twice the price. Usually it's a better buy.
Reply:512MB = mega bytes = 512 million bytes of memory.

1G = 1giga byte = 1 billion bytes of memory.
Reply:1GB = 2 * 512mb

GB = billion byte

MB = million byte

KB = thousand byte
Reply:Its just more memory, 1G is 1000 MB.
Reply:Yeh - 512 MB compared to 1000MB. Go for the 1G :P
Reply:1000 MB equals to 1G! Does this make sense? It's like 100 CM = 1M
Reply:1G has twice the memory or capacity to hold information than the 512MB card.
Reply:1G has almost twice the memory.
Reply:A 1G. Card has twice the memory capacity of a 512MB Card.
Reply:Both 1 GB and 512 MB are different. The 1 GB has huge storage capacity, but it will be slower when accessing them from your digital camera. 512MB is faster than 1GB. You could buy 2 of 512MB, but you have to switch between them if you require. 1 GB will be suitable if you are taking lots of snaps.
Reply:The differences are the memory storage capacity and the price.
Reply:The one gig holds exactly twice as much. It is a better bargain to buy the one gig because they are usually cheaper in the long run. However, if you buy an off-brand memory card, it will take longer to save your pictures. Spend the money and get a well recognized 1 or 2 gig memory card. You'll thank yourself at some special event when everybody else runs out of picture memory!
Reply:512mb is half the storage space of 1 gb, thus you can fit doulbe the ammount of pictures on a 1 gb card.

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