Thursday, May 20, 2010

There are no flash card readers in the 40gb ps3, what are they and what do they do? are they important?

i just want to know about these flash card readers and find out if they are important/vital to a ps3 , if not having any will i still be able to save my progress on my ps3 games?

There are no flash card readers in the 40gb ps3, what are they and what do they do? are they important?
I don't see the importance unless you already use flash cards. They are usually the memory cards found in camera's among other things. With 40GB to play around with I'm sure you'll be fine. If that's not enough, I understand that the PS3 is running on top of a Linux kernel and supports standard USB devices. So what you might miss in flash cards makes up for it in USB drives.


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