Thursday, May 20, 2010

R4 ds castlevania portrait of ruin sandisk flash card game freezes after i play a bit?

Ok im playing with my new r4 and i play castle and then all of a sudden after a bit the dam game freezes, and i have to shut the thing off and restart wtf is wrong. It also happend with the geometry wars game but that was becasue i didnt let it save i think but it worked.

R4 ds castlevania portrait of ruin sandisk flash card game freezes after i play a bit?
The games maybe incompatible in that format. Unless your playing a game originally designed to run on the DS, you can expect to have issues like this. It could also be the memory your using and how it accesses data
Reply:Try to upgrade your R4 firmware to the latest (1.16). Visit and grab the newest firmware to see if it helps.

R4 info:

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