Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where can I buy vocabulary flash/study cards to learn a new language?

Ok, Im going nuts here. If it was a language like German, French, Italian or Spanish, I could find what I was looking for at the drop of a hat, but I'm looking for GREEK. I am looking for English to Greek vocabulary flash cards. And not beginner either, I've been living in Greece for 4 years and I know the basics and then some but I really would like to build my vocabulary further so not only my conversation won't be as limited but I can stop asking my husband all the time 'whats the word for this' etc etc. lol

I had a Langenscheidt German to English box of vocabulary cards in Uni. It was amazing! it had like 2000 cards. So simple and effective.

Anything like that would be great!

If you know of one, I need a title, or a company, a store a website (preferrably), ANYTHING.

Thanks so much.

Where can I buy vocabulary flash/study cards to learn a new language?
There's a pdf set you can print out and cut up at http://www.yorku.ca/inpar/language/Moder...

I don't know if it's the right level for you or not, though.

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