Saturday, November 14, 2009

I inadvertently deleted a Folder full of pictures from my digital Compact Flash Card, How can I restore them?

WindowsXP Help says that deleted items in CD's and like cannot be restored. Is there a way to restore lost pictures in my Compact Flash Card? Thanks for any help.

I inadvertently deleted a Folder full of pictures from my digital Compact Flash Card, How can I restore them?
All is not necessarily lost. There are several image recovery programs on the internet. One of the best ones is Photorescue. It is from a company called Datarescue. Also, Lexar has a program called Image Rescue and Sandisk has one called Rescue Pro. I use these programs frequently at work, and they have a pretty high success rate. You can only recover photos that have not been written over, so don't use the card again until you have tried the rescue. If you don't want to try yourself, check with your local camera store to see if they offer the service. Good luck!
Reply:Like the first answerer, I agree with him, the pics are gone, sorry, and please, don't be trusting everything that Windows XP "help and support center" says, the whole Windows is untrustfull.
Reply:As long as you just threw the folder in the trash and you did not format your card, the pictures can be recovered. First check the memory cards brand website as some offer recovery software free of charge or already pre-loaded on your card. The person above mentioned others, you can do a search within yahoo or cnet and find another, or if you have a local camera store in town (not a big box store)- someone there can probably help you as that is part of what I do for my job. I have recovered just about everything including pictures that have supposedly been written over. I just pulled pictures of stuff from 1 year ago off one of my cards that I use almost daily. It can be done- so don't worry too much.
Reply:Nope, once it's been taken off the flash card, it's gone... =(


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