Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How do I fix my corrupted mini sd flash card?

I think I know how I broke it. I turned off the device(flash card reader) while it was still writing to the disk. Now it is corrupted and when I try to read it, the computer freezes and won't open it.

Please answer this only if you know what's wrong or if you can actually help.

I think I'm going to have to buy another card or use the warranty and just be careful next time I use it. These cards are not like floppies. They use a different memory.

How do I fix my corrupted mini sd flash card?
Iam assuming it freezes your PC when you try and open the SD Card to see its contents. Unfortunately i dont belive you can retrieve the data being that it never got fully transfered to the SD card anyway.

I would reformat the card, right-click on the drive and select format. Do a FULL FORMAT. Corrupted memory would be re-written with blank data and available to use again.
Reply:when you connect it to the system don't ope3n it... go into my computer and ryt click... then select format...

if that doesn't work... get a new one... but even so it should corrupt the easily

so you could find that there is a fault with it or when you pulled it out you short circuited it

I was working with a Manufacturer of the SD card . In general I would suggest you to format the card once in Camera or try with another card reader. Preferably if you have the Back up of the data and also I would suggest you to contact the company if the card is in warranty.

Thank you .
Reply:try to insert it, then format..

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