Monday, May 11, 2009

What is the toshiba flash cards support utility?

this thing is always getting error messages on my computer and is always running on task manager and taking up like 23,000 memmory, which i dont like. can anyone tell me what this is please? and can i just remove it from programs?

thank you

What is the toshiba flash cards support utility?
You can remove it if you don't ever plug a flash card into your computer. The flash card slot is right below the blue lights and is designed so you can take the flash card out of a camera and download the pictures to the flash card faster. I also use flash cards like a portable drive so i tend to use mine a lot.

If you don't use it, remove it from the startup. It won't hurt a thing.
Reply:LOL, FCSU are some drivers used by toshiba laptops. if u remove him u wont be able 2 use the FN+f1,f2... keys Report Abuse

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