Monday, May 11, 2009

What cameras use compact flash cards?

I almost got duped by a bait and switch camera co., I didn't take the bait but I have all the equipment for the camera, compact flash, battery etc. Could anyone tell me a list of cameras that use compact flash cards? I was going to get a nikon d70s but its way past my budget. I want to spend up to $500

What cameras use compact flash cards?
mostly professional grade cameras, but some point and shoot canons still use them
Reply:The trend is to smaller cameras. Fewer cameras use CF now, opting instead for SD. Go to www.dpreview and search there for CF users.

My Canon Powershot G6 uses CF, but I am not sure about the newer G7.
Reply:If you want an SLR that takes a CF card for $500, I don't think you'll find one. I only see CF cards being used in the $1,000 and up club.

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