Monday, May 11, 2009

What are your future predictions for memory cards or flash memory cards?

What will be the trends next year, in five years, in ten years?

What are your future predictions for memory cards or flash memory cards?
Well rigth now the hard disk are in danger of extintion with new chips cappable to archive 400gb per square inch

Maybe they appear the next year
Reply:Flash memory is cool, but its not going to amount to a whole lot unless they can get the access speed up. I don't know what others think, but personally, I think they are too frickin slow to make me want to dump harddrive technology that is good for 30-70mbs a second. Lots of USB based flash disks are limited to 12mb sec max, and I doubt you ever really see that.
Reply:They will keep getting better and better with more and more storage space. It will be the same as everything else when it comes to electronics; buy the best one available today, in 2 weeks, someone will come out with something better.

There is an issue, however, with digital camera manufacturers not being able to keep up; you can get 4GB memory cards now, but MOST digital cameras can't even handle anything above 2GB.

Hope this helps :)

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