Monday, May 11, 2009

For memorization, does using flash cards work well?

Im using them

For memorization, does using flash cards work well?
With vocabulary, they are excellent. Historical dates as well. It is a well known medical fact that in order to completely memorize something, you need to read it twenty times.
Reply:They can act as a primer. Flash cards are a visual cue. If you want to truly remember something, you have to create a mnemonic or mental cue. Let me explain it this way.

Do you remember or know of a Saturday kids' program called Schoolhouse Rock? They had math, english, history, and other subjects. They were cartoons set to music. They actually helped people remember things. I remember two guys who I graduated with actually used them to pass government class. I remember watching them in the back of the class mouthing the words to some of the songs to help them answer questions on our final exam. I think you can find the videos on the internet, to download and to buy.
Reply:Flash cards are excellent for helping you remember facts! Another good way to remember a list of things or a passage is to break it down. Learn a small amount of it. Say it over and over. Add a little more and start from the beginning saying it over and over. Add a little more once you have that part, but each time you recite it, start from the beginning...good luck!
Reply:depends.. do it

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