Monday, May 11, 2009

Using flash cards for study?

I never found flash cards helpful. I could never memorize a bunch of words in a foreign language with the translation written on the opposite side. Or memorizing chemical elements (nightmares!!!)

I always found it more helpful to read my notes so I'd have the ideas in context and I could always flip back and forth between notes for things that ties together. What are your recommendations for using flash cards in study?

Using flash cards for study?
i feel that flash cards make studying very simple, as long as it's just for vocabulary. learning a different language, however, i take a different approach. when learning spanish, i use my words in sentences. then, when i need to, i remember the sentences i came up with and it helps me remember how the word is used and what it means. hope that helped!
Reply:I personally hate flash cards. They're a waste of time to make.

I think that reading my notes every day helps more. I just flip through my notebooks/binders during study hall and then I never have to actually study when exam time comes around

I'm a horrible studier.
Reply:flashcards are an excellent choice; even my teacher who gives me 18 words to study every week recommends them. I've been recieving A and B letter grades on my test.

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