Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where can I get {toys} flash cards for perschool?

Walmart and Kmart both have flashcards back by the childrens books, I bought some for my four year old. Also if your child likes to be on the computer the web site Starfall is really good, it teaches preschool to firstgrade basics.

Where can I get {toys} flash cards for perschool?
i see u need them

u spelled pre-school wrong...

Reply:Dollar stores like 99 Cents Only sometimes have the flash cards. They generally have colors, numbers, shapes, alphabet, opposites, and similar ones for preschoolers. You can also buy them really inexpensively at Wal Mart. Look near the children's books and coloring books. They have preschool workbooks as well. Toys R Us, Target, and similar stores also sell them. You can also find them on E-bay inexpensively.
Reply:Dollar General sometimes has flash cards or a teacher supply store. I love the Baby Einstein flash cards. I got mine at a teacher supply store but you can go to www.babyeinstein.com or www.hyperionchildrenbooks.com

They are called disovery cards. They have parent infomation, teaching tips and games and rhymes. You can get them usually for $9.99
Reply:any department store or drug store wal greens carry them

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