Thursday, April 30, 2009

What is the quickest way to memorize 100 flash cards?

They're just regular flash cards

What is the quickest way to memorize 100 flash cards?
Do 10 at a time for 5 minutes. Say them each out loud as you see them. Change the order and do them again for 5 minutes.

Do this ten times and then do 20 cards at a time the same way you did 10.

Keep adding 10 cards until you have 100.

This should work in about 2 -3 days time if you do it consistently.
Reply:Keep going through them, over and over. Read them outload (you'll have the memory of reading, saying, and hearing).

As soon as you memorize one, remove it from the stack. Keep going through until you've taken them all out.
Reply:it is said that after seeing a given item 14 times, the brain has memerized it.

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