Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to study effectively using flash cards?

How to study effectively using flash cards?

I don't know what to write in it!should I right difficult things to remmeber or everything...

P.S I'm studying subjects like biology,physiology,cytology...etc

How to study effectively using flash cards?
You should write the key facts in each chapter or topic. You should include the very important details that will make you remember what the topic is about. Just include the main message that the topic is stating.
Reply:Flash cards work great, they best and most important thing about flash cards is that you use them frequently. If your walking down the street, have a couple minutes before/after class. The only way to truly remember something is with repetition. Don't just have one night to cram with flash cards, make them a week or so in advance and 5 minutes here and there throughout the day can make a great deal of improvement.
Reply:write the definition on the back and the word on the front-- and for oher things do the things you dont know like difficult things as question, then the answer on the back. good luck
Reply:Read the subject then create a question from what you read write it on the card on one side and answer it on the other side. You can also draw a line down the middle of a page on one side and answer it on the other, keep the answer side covered. When it comes to taking the tests you might remember the questions and the answers might come automatically.
Reply:If you have a study guide, put each question from the study guide on it with the answer on the back. If you don't have a study guide, try to think of the things the teacher/professor would want you to get out of the chapter/section. What should you have learned? Start making flash card with easy questions and work your way to the hard ones. Look at them everyday and make piles if the ones you get right and a pile of ones you took too long to answer or didn't get right. Have a friend quiz you. The bast way I found I learned about something was teaching it/telling it to somebody else, because that means I had learned it. Most important of all, don't stay up late to cram, because you need a good night's rest for your brain to let the stuff you studied to process and remember. That's why you should take more than a day to study them. Good luck!!!
Reply:Question on one side-answer on the back OR Topic on one side- details on the back . Keep them with you so pull them out any time anywhere. This helps me with my spanish class.
Reply:write general points, or questions u don't know the answers to. also good for formula's and mind joggers
Reply:I cant help you on flash cards, but if you are in transit for a while (catch the bus, peak hour traffic to your college/university/job/ whatnot) and you have an MP3 player, its a good idea to make a voice recording of central topics, ideas that get you thinking , things worth remembering, etcetera

so if it takes ages, you can do something

try study guides

sorry I couldnt help with the flash cards

goodluck in ur exams......wish me too......

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