Thursday, May 20, 2010

Im trying to use my compact flash card with my Playstation 3. But how?

i know i have to put it in the computer and move the media onto the card. but what media types does it support and do i have to put them in folders? im confused.


Im trying to use my compact flash card with my Playstation 3. But how?
For music you have to make a folder called MUSIC (CAPITALS NEEDED) for pictures you make a folder called PICTURE and for Videos yo do the same but the folder names have to be in a singular form.
Reply:Follow the same instructions on this link that you use for recognising viewing copyingetc..., content on the usb jumpdrives etc....
Reply:wow, I have the same problem too, hmm, I got bought the ps3/mgs4 bundle yesterday and I am still trying to figure out all the features and stuff, wow, this system is awesome! okay, well, sorry I couldn't be of help, good luck and have fun

safety boots

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